Notre Galerie


31 rue de Clichy 

Saint Ouen Sur Seine

93400 | France

09 86 18 48 33


Suivez nous

La clé du succès pour
une réhabilitation maîtrisée
Voir nos réalisations AGENCE D’ARCHITECTES
AGENCE D’ARCHITECTES Une approche de travail inclusive
pour garantir des solutions efficientes.
Voir nos réalisations

We are an Award Winning Interior Design Studio

Design affects human. It changes the view of life and the self-image. According to the opinion specialists, a good design is a space that matches with the lifestyle, habits and nature of the person.

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Only Best Professional Services for a Comfortable Interior

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.

Professional Design

We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

Qualified Planning

We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

Skilled Architecture

We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

Why Should You Choose Us ?

The main idea and concept for us is what will be right for a particular person, family, business. We rely on our experience, creativity and latest achievements to get the best solution for your interior.

Meet Our Creative Minds

The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.


Architecte DPLG


Directeur Associé

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Read Our Latest News. Be Always in Trend with Stoni

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Fashion House: New Trends in Interior Design

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Fashion House: New Trends in Interior Design

Originally an art school in Germany in the early 1900s the Bauhaus movement held the idea that all art and...

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10 Incredible Ideas for Your Creative Interior

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10 Incredible Ideas for Your Creative Interior

Originally an art school in Germany in the early 1900s the Bauhaus movement held the idea that all art and...

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Create a House of Your Dream: Few Tips

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Create a House of Your Dream: Few Tips

Originally an art school in Germany in the early 1900s the Bauhaus movement held the idea that all art and...

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Design Consultancy